This free 2-hour workshop for teens and their parents will provide an overview of key financial aid forms.
This free 2-hour workshop for teens and their parents will provide an overview of key financial aid forms, including: FAFSA; TAP; CSS Profile; and Excelsior scholarship. There will be hands-on assistance with completing FAFSA and TAP (12th graders) and creating an FSA ID for the FAFSA for next year (11th graders). Pizza will be served. This program is being presented by Jumpstart’s Charnikia Pinesett, a licensed professional with over 15 years of experience in successfully helping students complete financial aid forms and prepare for and enroll in college. Registration preferred. First come, first served.
Este taller gratuito de 2 horas para adolescentes y sus padres brindará una descripción general de los formularios clave de ayuda financiera, que incluyen: FAFSA; GRIFO; Perfil CSS; y beca Excelsior. Habrá asistencia práctica para completar FAFSA y TAP (estudiantes de 12.º grado) y crear una FSA ID para la FAFSA para el próximo año (estudiantes de 11.º grado). Se servirá pizza. Este programa está presentado por Charnikia Pinesett de Jumpstart, una profesional autorizada con más de 15 años de experiencia ayudando exitosamente a estudiantes a completar formularios de ayuda financiera y prepararse e inscribirse en la universidad. Preferentemente inscripción. El primero en llegar es el primero en ser atendido.
AGE GROUP: | Teen |
EVENT TYPE: | Youth Services |
The Finkelstein Memorial Library is a free public library founded in 1917, now serving 130,000 people in the East Ramapo Central School District of Rockland County, New York.
Our collection has something for everyone: books for children and adults, DVDs, audio books, music CDs and other materials. We offer a wide variety of programs and classes for the community. Computers with internet access, word processing, spreadsheets, and other applications are available throughout the library. Wireless internet access if free and also available.
Finkelstein Memorial Library has continued commitment to lifelong learning and educational support, Now, nearly a century later, Finkelstein Memorial library – its trustees, its staff, its friends and supporters – understand that today’s information needs cannot merely be satisfied through a collection of books alone. All manner of information formats are provided.